This week has been craziness! But isn’t it always so?
Monday, we soaked up the sun at schloßberg. Then had a Family Home
Evening with a family in our ward. It was really fun. We talked about Prophets.
We played telephone to show how distorted information can get, esp. when two
Americans are playing. So funny :) But I think they really enjoyed it. I love
working with the youth in the ward!
Tuesday, we had a great district meeting about my favorite topic,
being organized :) then the week of tausches (splits) began!!!
My first tausch was with Sister Packer, we had a blast. She serves
in an English ward. It was really weird to have ward council in English. It
just feels so different. Sometimes I forget at home, we don’t speak German in
church..... weird. haha. I met my BEST FRIEND on this tausch. We were sitting
in a straßenbahn (tram) and a girl is reading a Nicolas Sparks book. Easy
conversations starter :) I tell her he’s my favorite author and she tells me a
bit about the book. Well I tell her I’m from California and she says she’s
going there for her vet training. Then turns out she does hunter/jumper. We
clicked so fast. We were having the best conversation saying we should stay in
contact.... and then she had to hop out and I didn’t hop out with her since I
was in Wien..... it was so sad. But yeah, Sister Packer and I had fun.
The next day began my tausch with Sister Garrett. What more do I
even need to say? :)
Well, it started off stressful because since we had tausches back to
back, we may have forgotten to switch train tickets AND keys...... yeah it was
an adventure!! We were going to have a camping tausch at a members house, when
a member called us saying the got some keys. So luckily, we got to sleep in our
own beds. The weather was beautiful and we had a wonderful day contacting and
finding. It was so great to be with her! We just contact really well together.
I am so lucky I got to spend the day with her. We contacted at a castle and
ended up meeting a young adult. He just moved to Graz and is looking for a
church......... :) He came and played Frisbee with us and the JAEs (Ward Missionaries?)
the next day. Anyway, wonderful tausch with Sister Garrett!
After the whole week of having different companions, Sister Allman
and I got to do some weekly planning together. Well, I was really sad because
we have not made contact with my favorite (that’s probably not allowed, but I
have a favorite) less active. During the opening prayer, I prayed that we would
be able to make contact with her. 3 minutes into the prayer, she called!!!!! I
answered, and before I could say anything else, "MEINE LIEBEN, KÖNNEN WIR
time slot open, and that was the day she didn’t have work..... It was a
miracle.... a serious tender mercy.
Then we had finding day in Bruck. It was so good. Before we started,
we stopped to get a dönner. The guy working there was asking why we are here in
Austria. We were telling him what we were doing here and then we bore testimony
of how the Book of Mormon changed our life. He looked us straight in the eye
and said really? and then "DO you happen to have lots of those books,
cause if you do, I would really love one." Well luckily, that’s exactly
what we do! So we gave him a book and he was just so excited to read and then
meet with the elders. We then were freaking out because we didn’t have someone
to come with us for our lesson that night. You think I would learn never to
freak out when you are doing the Lords work... But we called what seemed like
everyone in the whole ward. We were debating what we should do and how we could
still meet with this family, we were debating whether it would be okay because
the 12-year-old girl would be home and decided to pray about it. We still felt
like we needed to go, but didn’t feel good about going without a member to help
us. Then out of nowhere, a member’s name popped into both of our heads, and she
was able to come with only 45 minutes of notice. It was A MIRACLE. I love this
After the appointment, I got a call that I have been dreading for my
whole mission.... It was the bishop, informing me that the speaker fell out for
sacrament tomorrow and he would love to hear from me. By the time we got home,
it was time to go to bed, so I prepared my talk the morning of. That is NOT
something Sister Regnier likes to do. But I hope it went okay, when I get
nervous, my German goes out the window... but it happens :) It didn’t really
now has the gift of the Holy Ghost! What a beautiful day.
I love this work.
This is the work of the Lord.
Have a great week!
Love ya
Sister Regnier
If that wasn't enough.....we got an email/photos from Sister Garrett:
Hey Sister Regnier,
This is Sister Garrett, Sister Regnier's old companion. I just
wanted to tell you how awesome of a missionary your daughter is. Last week I
had the wonderful opportunity of having an exchange with her and worked with
her in Graz. She is such a hard working missionary and she really takes what
she is doing seriously and serves the Lord with all her heart. I have been able
to learn so much from her. She is one of the most Charitable people that I know
and shares her love with everyone that she meets. I know that she has blessed a
lot of people’s lives with her example here and with her testimony. She has
truly blessed my life! Just wanted to write real quick and send you a picture
of last week, we were able to celebrate her yearmark together at a mexican
restaraunt which was perfect! Well I hope you have a great week!
Alles Gute!
Sister Garrett
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