Sister Allman and I titled this transfer the Traum (dream) Transfer.
And that, my friends, is exactly what it is.
This last week has been AMAZING! First, I want to share my favorite
This week, we called an old potential from about a year ago that
wanted a Spanish Book of Mormon but was never contacted. So we call her, and
set up to come to her house. When we get there, we cannot find her name on the
Klingle (door bell listing) anywhere. A man drives up and asks us if we are the
JW, we say no and have a great conversation with him. He tells us no Spanish
people live here, but he was super interested. Turns out, he is good friends
with the Elders progressing investigator!!! And knows the conversion story from
one of our members. He is really interested and we exchange info. Then we
continue our search for this ladies house (wow. I just had to write out house 3
times before I remembered how to spell it in English, embarrassing, we thought my
spelling was bad before...) Well a couple minutes later, the same guy, Ph____,
comes back out. He says, wait are you looking for someone from Dominican
Republic (stupid white girls don’t know the difference :) ). Well, turns out
its HIS WIFE. We set up an appointment to meet with the WHOLE FAMILY. Well fast
forward to our appointment...We walk in and they have knödle all prepared for
us. We eat, have a wonderful time, and then have the most wonderful first
lesson of my mission. We explained the Book of Mormon, read some promises and
both Ph___ and his son promised to read the first 3 chapters and pray about it.
When a potential is saying things like, "This is so true, its important to
pray with your whole self, mind and heart" and saying he believes he can
get an answer, well that’s when you know they are golden!!! :) We are having a
faschings fest (carnival) tomorrow in the ward house that the whole
family will be coming to. I AM SO EXCITED. All the son wanted to do was
read... :) PERFECTION.
Okay, funnest day ever. Tuesday. It was like were South American
missionaries in that we had so many appointments scheduled. We had to call on 2
younger single adults to do splits with us. SO FUN!!!! And every lesson was
life changing. Seriously! One was with a less-active member that since I have
been here, has always said no to us coming. Well, she gave us the okay. It was
great- their family needs the gospel so badly!!! I know by accepting the
gospel, she will be able to cope with her depression, and remember the
happiness the gospel gives her. Then we had a lesson with Sk___, remember the
miracle story of finding a member that no one knew about?? Well that went great
AND the bishop was able to bring her to church and she was able to stay long enough
to be there for the first hour, Relief Society. I saw her, and I just BROKE
DOWN. I have never been so excited to see someone in church. I’ve never met
someone that wanted it so bad but literally couldn’t because of situational
factors. Holy Cow. SO COOL!!! Then we had a lesson with a less active-part
member family. Well they agreed to start reading in the Book of Mormon together
and take the missionary lessons. MIRACLES!!!! All in one day!
P__ is doing great, he’s preparing for his baptism and just doing
great. We just got the OK to start doing a Gospel Principles class in English.
That is going to help so many less actives and members! I am so excited. In the
future, I would LOVE to see an international ward here in Graz. That’s what I
am praying for. Graz is a HUGE melting pot of cultures!
Well, I’ve seriously just had the best week!
I have had a lot of opportunities to study humility this month. And
it was just so awesome!! I’ve learned A LOT.
The Lord instructs
His servants to be humble because the process of being made whole spiritually
begins with a broken heart. Think of the good that comes from broken things:
Soil is broken to plant wheat. Wheat is broken to make bread. Bread is broken
to become the emblems of the sacrament. When one who is repentant partakes of
the sacrament with a broken heart and a contrite spirit, he or she becomes
whole. As we repent and become whole through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we
have much more to offer the Savior as we serve Him. “Yea, come unto him, and
offer your whole souls as an offering unto him.” –Elder Randy D. Funk, “Called of Him
to Declare His Word”
Humility includes gratitude for his blessings and acknowledgment of
your constant need for his Divine help.
Alma 26:12
D&C 112:10
Mosiah 4: 11-12
If we look up humility in the Topical Guide we see these words:
contrite heart, meekness, poor in spirit, submissive,
teachable. These couple words mean so much!!
Pride is My will not THY will. Pride is so much more than I have
ever thought. There are so many ways I am prideful without even noticing!
Something big I learned is that by being humble isn’t always
"demeaning yourself", because God made us how we are, so by realizing
your strengths and seeing God gave them to you, that’s being humble. IDK my
thoughts are a bit jumbled. But I really have learned a lot. There is so much
to always improve on. This has been my favorite to study because I feel that my
grasp on it was so different than what I recently learned.
I hope you have a great week.
I seriously just love this work! It’s going so great!! :) I know,
that everything that happens is done with the Lord, we, as missionaries, are so
privileged to be able to see God work his miracles right in front of us.
I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father who loves his children so
much and does everything for us.
Love you!
Sister Regnier
My Companion--Sister Allman |
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